In the investigative stage, the paper suggests to introduce "in dubio pro reo" into our criminal procedural law and to establish the standard of application based on our facts with introduce the system of the Anglo-American. 在侦查阶段,本文通过对英美法系国家相关制度的介绍,提出我国的刑事诉讼法也应当在侦查阶段引入疑罪从无,并主张结合我国的国情设定侦查阶段疑罪从无的适用标准。
So, the significance of the paper is to introduce "in dubio pro reo" explicitly, to consummate the litigation and to regulate its operation. 鉴于以上原因,全面系统的介绍疑罪从无制度,完善疑罪从无的有关立法,规范疑罪从无的操作正是本文的写作意义所在。
Under the 1996 amendment of the Criminal Procedure Act, principles of presumption of innocence and in dubio pro reo have been established. 随着1996年刑诉法的修改,疑罪从无原则已经在我国法律中确立,而与此不相协调的是大量的存疑判决案件不断冲击着人们的对司法的信任。
In criminal procedure, we should convert our minds, and actually achieve presumption of innocence and in dubio pro reo. 在刑事诉讼中,我们要切实转变观念,真正实现无罪推定、疑罪从无。
It states that there are no conflicts between prima-facie evidence and the fundamental principles in criminal procedure, such as the obligation to investigate ( Untersuchungsgrundsatzin German) and in dubio pro reo. 认为表面证据与刑事诉讼中的职权调查主义、疑罪从无等基本原则不相冲突。
Meanwhile, the burden of proof in criminal procedure are the responsibilities of procuratorate due to the doctrine of function and power in criminal procedure, the objective obligations of procuratorate, and basic law principles such as presumption of innocence and in dubio pro reo. 刑事诉讼中的证明责任,特别是公诉案件,由于刑事诉讼中职权调查主义、检察机关的客观义务以及无罪推定与疑罪从无等基本原则的存在,一般而言只由作为指控方的检察机关承担。